Thursday 25 August 2011


In the simplest of terms the aim for any successful organisation is to satisfy the objectives of its business plan. Risk then is the measure of any condition in the operational or commercial environment with a potential to adversely impact upon the achievement of those objectives. It follows that the identification and mitigation of risks within the system are vital to success. Business leaders, and consequently their people, naturally prefer to focus resources on promoting the positive objectives but at the same time those objectives must be adequately and appropriately protected from risk – this is risk management.

Inevitably the management of risk may sometimes fail, or previously unforeseen risks may manifest themselves unexpectedly and some harm to the business may be unavoidable. When things don’t go according to plan there are two commercial imperatives; firstly to protect and manage ‘business as usual’ and secondly to minimise the operational and commercial impact of adverse outcomes. Achieving both simultaneously and effectively with the resources available requires a well thought out and thoroughly tested response plan - this is emergency response.

If you want sound aviation consultancy and training built around these two simple concepts, contact Gates Aviation on +44 207 4696437 or

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